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you should make jokes around him be super girly and keep him on his toes.

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Q: How do you flirt with a guy who likes you?
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How can I get the guy that likes me?

Flirt with him.

How can you tell if a guy you like likes your friend and not you?

if a guy likes ur friend he will flirt with her and not u.

How can you tell a guy likes you when he is a big flirt with girls?

If he's into you, he'll flirt with you in a way that he doesn't flirt with other girls. Another sign is that he'll flirt with you the most and if this guy really likes you, he'll either ask you out or be rude or kind, it depends on what kind of guy he is.

How do you tell if a guy really likes you back?

he will flirt with you and give you signs that he likes you .. :D

If a guy likes a girl what will he say her?

he'll flirt acorse!!!

How do you know if a guy likes you or if he doesn't care a bit about you?

If a guy likes you he will flirt with you but if he doesnt like you then he would act like he hates you.

You like this guy and you think he likes you so how do you flirt with him?

just talk with him!

How do you tell if an emo guy likes you?

its the usual: look,stare,smile, and flirt.

What should you do if you think a guy likes you?

The best thing is to flirt with him and see if he responds.

How can you tell if someone likes your guy?

if they are hanging around him a lot and if they flirt with him a lot.

What does it mean if a guy bumps your foot?

According to the answer he wants to flirt with you or he likes u!

What does it mean if you have a guy friend likes to tease you but he has a girlfriend?

It means he is a flirt. Be careful of him.