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bernellis principle == The principals of flight are no different from a jet than a propellor plane or a glider. The only differences is that the jet is usually designed to fly faster so it's design has to take into account compressible aerodynamics that result from flying close to or above the Speed of Sound. The jet engine operates differently than propellor engines but it's jot is to produce thrust to propell the aircraft forward. And jet engines are more powerful, more economic and/or able to operate above Mach 1 (or the speed of sound). [There is another question here somewhere that explains how a jet engine operates.] The science and engineering equations are all the same. That is why a Russian supersonic passenger jet looks just like an American or a British jet. Custermen

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13y ago
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13y ago

First, type jet in free models.When you get the jet you want, drag it over to where you want it.Now, type plane tool in free models.Take a plane tool, and put it nextto the jet.Now, take the tool, hop in the jet, click the plane tool that says plane. Controls:Y to move X to land F to fire (for certain jets).This is Brickdestroyer11 from!

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14y ago

It has to do with the shape of the cross section of the wings. The jet engine provides the thrust. The wings are more curved at the top and flatter on the bottom. As the wing moves through the air a low pressure area forms over the wing. This gives the airliner its lift.

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7y ago

It flies by the wings and engine!

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15y ago

They use powerful jet engines.

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Q: How do airplanes fly so fast?
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How do airplanes fly so fas6t?

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