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Well, it depends on the character you choose. You have to become good at that person. You have to have dedication and willpower to want to be good with whoever you pick. But, let me warn you, choose wisely. My suggestion is you either pick Krauser or Wesker. They are the better ones. Even though, Wesker has no ammo for his weapons, he makes up for it with his weapons and his superhuman powers. His weapons consist of a Handgun (fully tuned up, exclusive included) equipped with a Silencer that is never seen in the game. With this, you are guaranteed headshots plus you can get rid of the plagas if they show up. A Killer 7 (a type of Magnum) (it's not fully tuned up but it does the job when it comes to the bigger enemies such as the chainsaw ladies in the village). And a Rifle Semi-Auto (this rifle is a lot better than the Rifle) (it's not fully tuned up but it does have the exclusive). So, make sure that you use these weapons wisely. Wesker also is equipped with some Flash grenades (use these to blind your foes and deliver a powerful Thrust punch), Hand grenades (use these if there are multiple enemies in your way) and one Incendiary grenade (With Wesker, this grenade does actually kill the enemy so take advantage of it). You can also hit the enemy in the knee and deliver a powerful Chinko Chagi a.k.a. Axe kick. With Krauser, he has a Bow and Arrow and three Flash grenades. The Bow and Arrow can be difficult to aim at the enemies but make sure that you get used to it. With this weapon, you can get some head shots. Also, throw those Flash grenades when you need them the most. You can deliver a powerful kick to ensure more dead bodies. You can also hit the enemy in the knee and deliver a powerful knee crushing maneuver. And Krauser has his arm (seen when you battle him for real). All's you have to do is press the button that the instructions tell you to at the beginning of the mercenaries. Besides all this information, good luck out there and find a place you think that you are going to do good at. I personally prefer the Mercenaries in the Gamecube version. It's a lot easier to deal with and the enemies don't get up that fast. I have set some pretty good high scores with Wesker. I got to at least 100,000 in all of the places. I managed to do this because I kept going to the 4 places, playing them over and over again until I got what I wanted which was a good high score that cannot be beaten although I have beaten my high score in the castle a couple times. Now, I believe my high score is at about 170,000 to 180,000. That just proves how hard I worked and how much I play the castle. That is my personal best place with Wesker.

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12y ago

this is what i did.

So i assume you beat the game right??

If you bought the Matilda good. If you haven't buy one. The Matilda is a 3 round burst handgun, and this is what i did to unlock the Chicago typewriter.

Sell all of your weapons (Only if you started over the game and you have a Matilda) but i would recommend saving it to a different file so you don't lose all the guns you love. Then just keep the Matilda and sell EVERY SINGLE THING yo u get but herbs and first aid sprays. If you have decent upgraded guns you should get about 40,000 for all of them. max out your Matilda with your cash so its basically an ulimate weapon and keep buying and selling anything that doesnt relate to health or handgun ammo.

This worked for me i hope you have the same results :)

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