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Q: How do you get a 25 year old bipolar person to take his meds?
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Can someone with a mental condition such as bipolar take care of someone who needs care?

Sure, what would make you think they can't? Bipolar is not infectious. Admittedly the bipolar person should be stable to best care for another, but even if not entirely stable they can help. I have bipolar myself and helped care for my mother for about a year and a half as she recovered from cellulitis in her legs.

How do you help a 21 year old with bipolar disorder that refuses to take meds even after returning home from psy hospital?

I'm sorry to say that you can't help an adult who will not help themselves. It takes an average of 8 hospitalizations before a person with BP understands that medication is not an option if they wish to remain stable and productive. Those are the statistics and of course, it could be more or less depending on the individual.

23 year old son gained 80 pounds on bipolar meds. He has shed 30 pounds but is on depakote Cymbalta and now... abilify. Hunger is coming back. Can't he just take depakote and Cymbalta?

It's the depakote that causes weight gain! Have your doctor find something else to replace it.

Can having bipolar disorder cause problems in verbally articulating thoughts?

Yes, if you are too emotionally depressed or upset to concentrate. I also think that certain meds used to treat bipolar can have such a reaction. I believe Topimax was one where I especially noticed the difference. I did not know a drug could cause such but after a year of noticing a drastic difference, I happened to as my doctor. He said that was a side effect. It may just be something to consider. With that said, I no longer take Topimax but struggle with the issue.

What year was macy Gray diagnosed with Bipolar?

No One, because Macy Gray do not suffer of the bipolar disorder.

Did anyone gained weight on ADHD meds?

I have gained 45lbs in last year on meds I'm going crazy .....

Can bipolar 2 turn into bipolar 1?

Yes. If left untreated, bipolar 2 can easily turn into bipolar 1 or possibly even rapid cycling bipolar disorder. (Second User) Yes, even with treatment (although it is much less likely in such a case) bipolar two disorder can become bipolar one disorder. This would happen when the hypomanic episodes of Bipolar 2 become more severe and harmful manic episodes. This change has been known to most often happen after somebody has had the disorder for some time. To clarify the first answer: Rapid cycling can occur in any type of bipolar disorder. It is not really its own type of bipolar disorder, rather, it is a condition that can occur with a bipolar disorder. It refers to a person who experiences four or more bipolar mood swings in a year. This can also develop over time or be a part of the disorder from the start.

I'm not sure but I think I'm bipolar or just have mood swings I looked it up and I have the symptoms but I'm still not sure what can I do to actually know and can 13 year old be bipolar?

The best way to know if a 13 year old is bipolar is to seek help from a professional.

Can bipolar be diagnosed with just one manic episode the same every year?

Yes. Although people with bipolar disorder usually have cycles of depression and mania, or hypomania, it is possible to be classified as bipolar even if you've never experienced a depressive episode. Assuming the manic episodes are not substance-induced or caused by an aggravating medical condition, the person could be diagnosed bipolar. The DSM-IV-TR code for bipolar disorder is 296.xx, with "xx" indicating the type and severity of the most recent episode.

How do you get your son to take his Strattera medicine without throwing it up?

You can't, I've tried to do everything for it. In my opinion you should let your kid off meds and save you and your son a lot of trouble, I'm a extremley under-weight fourteen-year-old girl and you can thank the ADD meds for it, my parents make me take it, so if you don't want to see the poor kid sick I suggest you take him off meds. Get him into individual classes (If he's in school) and that can help, just don'tput him through the pain and misery, seriously.

How long does it take for meth to rot teeth?

it can take lil as a year depending on the person.

How many breathes does a person take each year?
