

Best Answer

a with grave accent

à ALT + 133 À ALT + 0192

a with circumflex

â ALT + 131 Â ALT + 0194

a with tréma

ä ALT + 132 Ä ALT + 142

a e ligature

æ ALT + 145 Æ ALT + 146

c with cedilla

ç ALT + 135 Ç ALT + 128

e with acute accent

é ALT + 130 É ALT + 144

e with grave accent

è ALT + 138 È ALT + 0200

e with circumflex

ê ALT + 136 Ê ALT + 0202

e with tréma

ë ALT + 137 Ë ALT + 0203

i with circumflex

î ALT + 140 Î ALT + 0206

i with tréma

ï ALT + 139 Ï ALT + 0207

o with circumflex

ô ALT + 147 Ô ALT + 0212

o e ligature

œ ALT + 0156 Œ ALT + 0140

u with grave accent

ù ALT + 151 Ù ALT + 0217

u with circumflex

û ALT + 150 Û ALT + 0219

u with tréma

ü ALT + 129 Ü ALT + 154

French quotation marks

« ALT + 174 » ALT + 175

Euro symbol

ALT + 0128

Hope that answers your question bye!

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Q: How do you get a French accent on a computer?
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How do you say 'accent' in french?

The word for "accent" in French is "accent."

How do you make an e with an accent mark over it on a computer?

you need a french keyboard i think

Where does the accent go on image in french?

The word "image" in French is pronounced with the emphasis on the second syllable, so it does not have an accent.

What language did Claude Monet speak?

he has a European accent. *the person means a french accent* He spoke French - is that an accent? He spoke French and had a french accent. Yes, french is an accent as well as a language. Example: If I say I have a french jacket, I mean that I have a jacket that is from France. When I mentioned that Monet had a french accent, I meant that he spoke french with the accent of someone who is from France, versus, let's say a French-Canadian, Haitian, Belgian accent, etc... An "European accent" doesn't really mean much because there is no such a thing as an European Language. Many languages are spoken in Europe, as well as multiple countries that speak french (France and Belgium) and the language that Monet spoke was French, with a french accent. Hope that sounds more clear now.

Is an accent aigue an acute accent?

Yes, an accent aigu is also known as an acute accent. It is a diacritical mark used in various languages to indicate a specific sound or stress pattern in pronunciation, such as in French to indicate a high pitch or stress on a particular syllable.

Does mum in French have an acute accent?

No, the word "mum" in French does not have an acute accent. In French, "mum" is written as "maman" without any diacritical marks.

How would one go about learning to speak with a French accent?

If you wish to speak French with a French accent, the best way is to surround yourself with natural French speakers and you will soon pick up the accent.

How do you speak in a french accent?

This French accent guide shows you step by step how to do a French accent and has videos of people speaking in a French accent. I honestly think the best way to learn is to watch people speaking it, but read through the how-to first so you know what to listen for. hope that helps

What is the French opposite of an accent grave?

The French opposite of an accent grave is an accent aigu. An accent aigu is a diacritical mark used in French to indicate the stressed syllable in a word, while an accent grave typically appears on the letter "e" and sometimes on the letters "a" and "u" to modify their pronunciation.

Where do you put accent mark over toilet in french?

you don't put an accent over toilette in french

What is the name for a french accent mark?

un accent aigu : é un accent grave : è, à un accent circonflexe : ê, â, ô

How do you speak with an French accent?

To speak with a French accent, focus on pronouncing words with a more nasal tone, especially vowels. Pay attention to inflection and rhythm, as French tends to have a more melodic flow. Practice listening to native French speakers to help improve your accent.