

How do you get a better immune system?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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eat yoghurts, consume anti-oxidants (green tea etc.), eat fruit, all in all just get vitamins

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Q: How do you get a better immune system?
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A crocodile has a better immune system, since they existed before sharks, they are more used to the illnesses so they are more immune. Also they live in dirty waters and muddy places so their immunity is high.

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your immune system and your White blood cells produce antibodies

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getting sick because the immune system gets used to fight to similar things so every time they get better and better so they get stronger.

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How and why does one suffer from cold?

Usually colds happen when one's immune system is weak. This is caused by many things, lack of sleep, vitamin deficiency etc. But colds are tiny viruses which attack the immune system. Eventually the immune system will overcome them. That's why you eventually get better.

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Your Immune system is usually High, so once it stops smoking that cocaine, it will be better and start destroying them. Its naughty, isnt it?

How does the immune system fight of disease?

The Immune System

What is the body's defense system?

It would be their immune system.

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Immune system

What is a system that fights disease and controls the immune response?

It is called the Immune System. A bit of extra info: The Immune System is the cause of allergies. It goes too far when trying to protect the body from something. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM

What immune system is activated if the innate immune system is unable to control the infection?

The adaptive immune system is activated if the innate immune system is unable to control the infection.