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tell him how you feel about in.

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Q: How do you get a boy to think as you more than a friend?
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My friend is a boy but not a boy friend and hes been avioding me latley he hasn't been replying to my calls and texts is he trying to push me away as a friend or does he consider me more than a friend?

no, i don't think he thinks of you as more than a friend - if that would have been the case, he would have taken every step to ensure that your texts do not go unanswered.

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i think so cuz my friend has one and he weighs more than i do and he is also taller than me

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I think Selena does not have a boy friend. She might she might not.

What does asking a girl mean?

That you want to be more than friends with them, that you want to be boy friend/ girl friend with them:Sx

What does a boy mean when he says I like you as a friend but more than a friend but not as a girl friend?

I think it means that he likes you as a friend, but more than a friend, so kinda like a bestfriend, but not as a girlfriend... if you're sad, don't be honey because there are many girls that go through the same thing as you. I happen to be one of them but its okay ! You know why ? Its because there are much more boys that might be so much better!

What do you call a boy who is nearly your boyfriend?

Close friend until it becomes more than that.

What do you do when your friend is trying to talk to the boy you like?

You can ingore it, or try and talk to him too, and get him to talk more to you than to your friend talking to him.

What does a 12 year old girl want a boy to be?

Someone to be by there side just be a great friend who likes them more than a friend

Should a boy and girl be a couple?

If they have more-than-friend feelings for each other, then yes.

Are there more boy rappers than girls?

um I think its even.....

What do you do if a friend of mine likes a boy you like?

u go up to our friend and figure out who likes him more or ask him which one do he likes more its not much but that's all i can think of

What to do if you and your friend both like the same boy but he likes you more?

You should never let a boy come between you and your friend. After all frendship lasts longer than teen love.