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You can't ! They're a form of credit card - and as such can only LEGALLY be used by a person 18 or over.

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Q: How do you get a brink's prepaid card for a younger person?
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How do people use prepaid gift cards?

A prepaid gift card works just like a credit card. The person who receives the card will need to follow the instructions to activate card, this is usually done by calling a 1-800 number. Once activated, the person can spend the balance on the items of their choice.

Where can you get a cash loan wired to your prepaid credit card?

Walmart prepaid card visa

What are some payment options for a Brinks home security system?

Brinks allows you to pay with credit card or Cheque. Brinks allows you to pay for the service monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Can you sell with a prepaid credit card?

You should be able to do everything with a prepaid card that you could do with a regular card. So if you are able to sell w a regular card then a prepaid should work as well.

I-tunes charge to credit card?

You can have itunes charge to your credit card or buy a prepaid card either a itunes card or a prepaid credit card ...

What exactly are prepaid Mastercards?

A prepaid mastercard is a credit card that you will place a certain amount of money on, and it is usually used when a person goes out of town or the country for traveling.

What is a prepaid SIM card?

a prepaid Sim card is a Sim card that you pay as you go AT&t tracfone and t-mobile

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Are prepaid credit cards more expensive if purchased online?

No, prepaid credit cards are not more expensive if purchased online. Whether you purchase a prepaid card from a retailer in person or online does not affect the purchase price.

Can a cash advance be deposited on a prepaid debit card?

Can a cash advance be deposited on a prepaid debit card?

What are the benefits of using a prepaid credit card?

No identification is required to use a prepaid credit card. Only the prepaid limit may be spent when using a prepaid credit card for a purchase, so there is no reisdual balance or finance charges after the purchase.