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Cold sores are caused by skin-to-skin contact with an infected person, at the location where the virus is active, during a time when they are shedding virus. They aren't caused by licking your lips.

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Q: How do you get a cold sore by licking your lips?
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Related questions

Does ice chap your lips?

No, ice alone will not chap your lips. Cold weather and repeated licking of the lips will cause them to chap.

How do you catch a cold sore?

You can catch a cold sore If your lips make contact with it or something it has been in contact with (unwashed).

What makes lips chap?

Cold weather. I don't recomend licking your lips. It makes sors around your mouth.

If you kiss someone with a cold sore but without an active cold sore present on their lips what is the probability that you will get one?

Around 1%

If you have a cold sore and you lick your lips and develop tiny red bumps on your tongue did you just spread the HSV1 to your tongue?

yes if you have an cold sore in your lips the HSV1 will spread.Because the HSV1 virus spread the cold sore so keep avoiding kiss to the kids.

What is a cold sore and what are the symptoms?

A cold sore is an inflamed blister around the mouth and lips. The symptoms of a cold sore are fever, sore throat, pain around the mouth, and swollen glands around the neck.

You meet every 2 weeks he says he is faithful but everytime after kissing you get cold sore around your lips?

hes probly cheating on you and he has herpes of the lips. dump him.ummmm maybe its his mum who has cold sore???

Where is a cold sore located?

Cold sores can be located on the lips, facial area, and genital area.

Pictures of cold sore on lips?

See the related link for information and pictures of cold sores.

What happens if you drink from someone who has chapped lips?

I'm sure you won't get dry lips..only if the person that drunk out of the glass cup (ect) has a cold sore, then there is a pretty big chance of you getting a cold sore.

How does a cold sore start off?

Symptoms can vary from person to person. Some people get dry chapped lips, some itching, burning and or tingling symptoms aroun their lips. Then a blister or pimple occurs on or around the lips which can break into a cold sore. The sore can take a few weeks to heal and scab over.

Can a fan blowing on face cause a cold sore?

If your lips get dried or or chapped from the fan blowing on you or if the fan makes the area super cold then it could possibly trigger a cold sore.