

Best Answer

Fire + Earth = Flaming Rock

(This can also equal Volcano Dragon. If you keep getting Volcano Dragons, just keep trying. And if you breed too many Volcano Dragons sell some.)

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Q: How do you get a flaming rock dragon on Dragon City?
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Fire + Volcano Earth + Flaming Rock.

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How make a cool fire dragon in Dragon City?

Alpine+Flaming Rock Dragon=Cool Fire

How do you breed flaming rock dragon in Dragon City?

fire + earth or earth + fire

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You get football dragon by breedingsnowflake and flaming rock

What is the result by breeding flaming rock and snow flake dragon in Dragon City?

You will get the cool fire or soccer dragon.

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medieval + alpine dragon = soccer, armadillo, coolfire, pearl and flaming rock dragon..

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it makes a flaming rock dragon

What dragon you need to breed the cool fire dragon?

flaming rock dragon and platinum dragon but when you breed those dragon it could be the result snowflake

How do you breed volcano dragon?

vulcano+dark=lava dragon

How do you get cool fired dragon in Dragon City?

actually cool fire breed flaming rock nad ice