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kill him till he bleeds so bad then rape her in the bushes

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Q: How do you get a gilfriend back if you were ment to meet her but you could not go and now your best friend goes out with her from TM?
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What should you do you got dumped for your best friend?

Well, you could be happy for them to get together. Or you could tell your best friend that if they are really your friend they would give them back.

What if you like one of your best friends ex and you told him you liked him?

Odds are, he might tell your best friend and that could ruin your relationship with her; not a very good idea. OR, he could like you back, and the best friend would support you.

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If you still like your best friend then try to get her back or let her go with your sister if that's what your friend wants. Or mabey your friend could be friends with your sister and best friends with you.

What do you do when your best friend says she loves the same guy you do and is going be hind your back talking to him?

Perhaps, you could talk to her about how you feel, and then find out who he likes. Ask him, with your best friend present.

Who is the best friend you could ever have?

The only true answer you could receive, would be yourself, because there is no way you would stab yourself in the back. Your best friend will disappoint at some point or another. So stay true to yourself.

Why would your best friend come back?

Your best would come back because he still values you. And it is for that reason he has best attached to it.

How do you get your ex back when your best friend in the whole world is going out with him and you want to stay friends with your best friend and get your ex back?

just tell your best friend that you really like him and see what she says about it.

What does ella es mi mejor amiga mean in spanish?

This is Amalia, my best friend. You could answer back by saying (to Amalia); "Mucho gusto" o "Encantado/a de conocerle" (Depending on whether you're male/female)

When a guy you like tells you you are his best friend?

He might just be testing you. He could very well like you back, but feel that you are friendzoning him. Trust your instinct. If you've ever felt that he might just like you back then talk to him. There's still a chance he could mean you really are his best friend. But every relationship starts out slow. You have to be a friend before you can be anything else!

Your ex- best friend hates you How do you get your best friend back if you are only 9?

Give them a gift.

How do you get your ex girlfriend back when she is dating your friend?

You date her best friend

What are some ways you could get your best friend to express there feelings to you?

Some of the best ways that you could get your best friend express feelings for you is by making them your center of attraction.