

How do you get a guide in cryptids in the yeti one?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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A person can get a yeti guide in Cryptids by visiting the Himalyans. A yeti will appear and the player will have the option to pick him for hire. The yeti will also provide the player with a lantern for future travels.

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Q: How do you get a guide in cryptids in the yeti one?
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Where is the yeti footprint on cryptids?

on top of the temple :)

Where is the yeti's footprint on poptropica?

There is no yeti footprint. You have to find all the other cryptids first.

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On Cryptids, you go to the Himalayas and ask for the Yeti skull. He will not give you it, but you will be handed a lantern to 'light your way' as he claims.

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You get one at Loch Ness. Help the driver by clicking the left side of the truck, then letting air out of the tires.

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You have to look for Bigfoot/Yeti in the Himalayas, the Jersey Devil in New Jersey, the Loch Ness Monster in the Loch Ness in Scotland and the Chupacabra in Puerto Rico.

How do you find proof of the yeti on cryptids island?

You don't. Gte the lantern from the monastery, and take a photo of the footprint in the snow. But Mews is not convinced so you don't go back. Instead, once you have proved the other three cryptids (Nessie, chupacabra, and Jersey Devil), he sends you to hunt Bigfoot, who is similar to the Yeti.

How do you get evidence for the yeti on cryptids island?

Since the monks won't let you test the Yeti scalp, you have no proof. Once you have the lantern and the footprint photo, you can find nothing at the Himalayas. However, once you prove the other three cryptids (Nessie, Chupacabra, and the Jersey Devil), Mews will send you in pursuit of the similar creature, Bigfoot.

Where is the yeti on cryptids island?

You never find it. The monastery has what they believe to be a Yeti scalp, but they won't let you have it. However, your trip to the Himalayas is not completely wasted. The head monk gives you a camping lantern, and one of the monks lets you go up a trail to find a large footprint in the snow, which might be from a Yeti. (Take a photo, and you don't come back.) When you have proven the existence of the other three cryptids (Nessie, Chupacabra and the Jersey Devil), Mews will send you in pursuit of the similar creature, the Bigfoot, in the Pacific Northwest.

How do you confirm bigfoot's existence on cryptids island?

After you have confirmed the other three cryptids (Nessie, Chupacabra, and the Jersey Devil), and brought back the inconclusive footprint from the Himalayas, Mews will send you in pursuit of Bigfoot, which is similar to the Yeti.

How do you get the guy to guide you on cryptids island?

Just climb up and to the left and a Sherpa guide will appear.

How do you find the yeti's home on cryptids island?

You don't. However, you will later follow Bigfoot as he travels through the trees in the Pacific Northwest.