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He won't. YOU hire a lawyer - let the lawyer handle it.

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Q: How do you get a narcissistic man to agree to a divorce when you have to communicate with him because of a child?
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Can I file for an uncontested divorce if I have been separated over 10 years but spouse won't agree to divorce?

An uncontested divorce is when both parties agree to getting a divorce. If one party doesn't agree, this would then become a contested divorce. You may need a lawyer to handle a contested divorce. If you are able to agree, you can do a divorce without a lawyer depending on your state laws.

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I do agree with the statement which says a human being can not live without communication because everything do communicate,For example,you torch a stone, that stone do communicate with you through texture, and even mass.Animals also communicate with people, such as dogs.

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If you are talking about being signed by the spouses, then no. Before a divorce is final it has to be approved by a judge. The judge actually grants the divorce, your signatures only show that you both agree to the divorce.

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Agree, communicate.

What is answer and waiver in a Florida divorce?

The answer an waiver is just that, you can answer the complaint and provide the court your side, or if you agree with the divorce you would send in the waiver, and the waiver basically tells the court you don't dispute the case and agree with the proceeding and waive any further notice of proceeding. So if you agree to the divorce, sign the waiver and send in, but if you disagree do not waive your right, because once you do this it is hard to take it back.

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According to Jewish law, a woman can not file for divorce.

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I do agree that phones and email improve our lives because we can communicate alot easier across the world and it is even helpful for door to door like if there is a storm!

If both partys agree to a divorce how quick can this take place?

2 weeks if both partys agree

Can I be forced to agree to a divorce when I do not want it?

In the United States you cannot be forced to agree but the divorce can proceed without your consent. You cannot force a person to stay married when they want to dissolve the marriage.

Do i have to sign for the receipt of divorce papers?

Yes signing it brings you in receipt and liable to agree with the terms of divorce or counter the terms of divorce to what fits your rights.

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Divorce is necessary and useful institution in African society. Agree or Disagree?