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Tell them, "Not trying to be mean, but I'd really like to sit in silence." or say "Don't take this personal, but I really don't want to listen to anybody talk right now. I'm sorry." Both of those might work.

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Q: How do you get a person to stop talking?
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stop and act like your not talking to that person act like your talking to someone your okay with talking to.

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Because he's a liar? Just stop talking to anyone like that.

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No, but it's slang. An idiom is a phrase that doesn't make any sense unless you know the definition. "Stop talking crazy" means "stop speaking nonsense" or "stop speaking like a crazy person would."

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Quit talking, listen to what she says. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO AGREE, but a person can not argue by themsleves

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Please explain what you are talking about!

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Uh... Stop talking to her?