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you know i would not try it. because you will have to pay for it, look after it and then have it taken away from you after your parents find. but if you were to try i would get a hampster because birds are bigger and make more nosie. but dont do it!!!

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Q: How do you get a pet bird or hamster without your parents knowing?
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Related questions

How old do you have to be to get a cat hamster and bird?

Old enough to get your parents' permission, be able to care for it, feed it, clean its' cage, if it's a hamster, and handle it lovingly and with respect.

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Is the hamster a bird or a animal?

Rats are vertebrates as are all mammals due to the fact they have a backbone and internal skeleton.yes

Can you have a pet in Animal Crossing?

No. but you can have a hamster cage and bird cage! (Sold in stores) The hamster runs on it's wheel, and the bird hops around, tweeting. I consider them pets! :)

What is my state bird?

We cannot answer this - without knowing what state you're in !.... Besides which - it would be quicker for YOU to search Wikipedia - than wait for an answer here !

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Sure! My hamsters love it!

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