

How do you get a shy girl in high school to like you?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Well you first have to kinda do what she does like for example she signs up for a club that she likes you sign up for it to. Also if she is stuck on a question in class when the teacher calls on her then you help her out, Then once you kinda know stuff about her than you go up to her and start with "heyy" and then bring up a awesome conversation and then try to be her Friend like so you guys could hang out together every time Then kinda like have fun with her dont act weird just be yourself.

and act like shes one of your guy friends which means don't be like shy in front of her, and do what she likes to do.

If you need anything else just ask another question and ill answer it :)


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look bro..... just don't be so shy. start talking to her..go places with her..... if shes shy.......just be friends first. then you an move to trying to date her once you've befriended her.....nobodys so shy when theyre with people they like and trust

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