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They have to like each other on a love level and then you should have a option to marry them.

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Q: How do you get a sim to accept a proposal on The Sims 2 game?
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How do you get your sim to accept a proposal on the original Sims game?

you have to make sure that both sims can propose and then hope for the best if it didnt happer that time make them make out on the sopha and bed and make them flirt and then they will except the proposal.

How do you marry someone of the same sex in The Sims game?

The Sims games treat romances between different Sims the same regardless of gender. So in order to get married, you simply need to interact romantically with the sim you want to have your sim marry until you are given the option of "Proposal".

What is a sim...?

A Sim is a virtual person. It is also a game. The games are called .MySims .The Sims .The Sims 2 .The Sims 3 .The Sims Social There are more simulated games like that. Another sim is your sim card for your mobile phone. 'Sim' is also a surname.Hope this helps!

In what Sims game for the PSP can your sim get Pregnant?

You can get your sim pregnant in Sims 2 Apartment Life and Sims 2 Double Deluxe.

Is there any other sims game for wii?

there is my sims kingdom, My sims, Sims party, sims 3, sims 2 castaway, sim animals, sim 2 pets, sim animals africa and that is all i could find

What sims DS game can you get pregnant on?

You can't get your sim pregnent on any sims ds game the only way is to buy the sims, the sims 2 or the sims 3 (I recomend you get the sims 3 its the best) and then get you sim pregnent!! hope it help!! Im another person... But if you cant get your sim pregnant why put hope you get your sim pregnant! LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

Can you be nine to get a sim?

well all the sim games are 12 but if you know someone who has the game you can ask them if you can create sim,or there is a game called sims 3 create a sim where you can create a sim using the sims 3 feautures.hope this helped!

In the sims 2 once you install the sim into the game can you delete it from the downloads folder?

If you mean a person Sim that you got by downloading, then, if you want you can delete the download and the Sim will leave the game. If you mean a Sims game (ie: expansion packs) then you can. But be careful, the entire Sims game will be lost.

Why is your sim the adult sim and not the child sim you wanted to be Sims 3?

you can't be a kid because it is to much stuff in one game and it is in sims busting out

What is the latest Sim's game?

The last 'The Sims' game that was released was The Sims 3 Generations. The Secret Helper.

What does sims mean?

it means sim use

Which video game franchaise was made by will wright?

Sim city, Sim Ant, Sim Earth and The Sims franchise.