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Q: How do you get air bubbles out of a thermometer?
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To get an accurate measurement on a thermometer what do you do?

- Read the temperature over the meniscus (for mercury thermometers)- Avoid the parallaxe error- Respect the depth of immersion thermometer- Don't use thermometers with defects (ex. air bubbles)- Wait a reasonable time the setting of indication for the thermometer

Removing Air bubbles?

To remove the air bubbles, open the stopcock and the air bubbles will remove

Which of the following best describes how to determine if water is boiling without a thermometer Is it No bubbles Bubbles like a bottle of soda or is it Big bursting bubbles?

The correct response is big, bursting bubbles.

What instrument measures hot or cold air?

a thermometer

How is a thermometer able to measure air?

a barometer is used to measure the air pressure, not a thermometer! A thermometer is used to measure the temperature.

Does air have anything to do with bubbles floating?

No. But air is where the last bubbles went when they popped.

When warm air rises what bubbles rise in the air?

Carbon Dioxide CO2 is the bubbles that rise in the air.

Pool filled by hose went cloudy?

probably just air bubbles. probably just air bubbles. probably just some air bubbles.

How do backswimmers breed?

They breathe ny carrying air bubbles

Why do you see bubbles when you put a bath sponge into water?

Do bubbles escape when you squeeze a sponge under water air

Why is it when you exhale underwater you make bubbles?

because the bubbles are air the air can't fuse with hydrogen to become water because there is no excess hydrogen so it goes to the air as bubbles

Do soap bubbles last longer in warm or cold air?

My answer is, that there are air bubbles in the bottom of it, (WHEN ITS BOILING) Than those air bubbles rise to the top, & That's how hot water bubbles more than cold water.