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The airplane takes you back to Nabooti from any point in Africa. You will have to backtrack out of the diamond mine, or find the White Jewel among the diamonds at the end. (it has a triangular mark).

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Q: How do you get back home on nabooti island?
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How do you leave nabooti island?

After you have placed the jewels back in the Nabooti totem, climb back on the blimp and select an island. (see related question)

What is the totem pole on nabooti island?

The Nabooti totem, in the museum on Nabooti Island. Five of the seven jewels were removed and are hidden in areas of the island. You have to recover the jewels and put them back on the totem to beat the island.

How do you trade the gold nugget for a camera on nabooti island?

There are 3 traders back in Nabooti.

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you take it back to Nabooti and go to the merchants and trade it for a camera.

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Take them back to the Museum and put them back in the Nabooti totem. (see related question)

If you traded the red jewel for something how do you get it back on nabooti island?

You can't trade the Nabooti jewels once you get them.

Where do you take the elephant to on nabooti island?

Take it from the Kaya Forests back to Nabooti, and swap it for the fingo. Bring the fingo back to the Kaya spirits.

How do you finish nabooti island?

After you recover all 5 of the missing Nabooti Jewels (see related question), take them back to the Nabooti museum and put them back into the totem statue -- purple, green, red, white, blue. You will receive the island medallion.

What do you do with the Egyptian Blue Lily on nabooti island?

Take it back to Nabooti and trade for a turban (you might want to wear it at Giza).

What will the jewels do if you find them on Nabooti island?

They go back in the Nabooti totem in the Museum. (With surprising results.) (see related question)

What Is Nabooti?

Nabooti is an island on Poptropica.

How do you get the camera poptropica nabooti island?

find the chunck of gold in the forest and go back to nabooti and trade it for the camera hope this helps!