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give it a bath...or lick it clean.

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Q: How do you get bear spray off of your dog?
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How do you get the spray from a fox off your dog?

Foxes do not spray, but use a strong shampoo to get whatever the smell is off.

How do you get dog poo off your shoe?

Scrape, then spray with cleaner, then wash.

What is better for protection against bears bear spray or a shotgun?

Bear spray.

Which breed of dog is also known as bear?

Dog's have been known to try an protect there area in bear country. Although there are no reports of a certain breed of dog that is meant to ward off bears. The natural instinct of a dog will kick in and would let the bear know Hey this is my turf.

How do you stop dog from chewing door frame?

there is a special spray so the dog will stop chewing anything you spray the spray can get the spray at petsmart

How do you register pepper spray in NY?

go to your police station and ask for the form. No one does it though. It is required with self defense sprays, not animal repellents "Animal Repellents" are legally shipped to all states. • Dog Pepper Spray SHIPPED TO ALL AREAS - ALL STATES! • MACE Bear Spray SHIPPED TO ALL AREAS - ALL STATES! • Bear Pepper Spray SHIPPED TO ALL AREAS - ALL STATES!

How effective is bearspray in warding off bear attacks and have there been cases where it didnt work and the animal kept charging?

Bear Spray is effective if it is on your hip ready to use. It can deliver a powerful punch but don't expect it to drop a bear in its tracks and all you see is a tail running away from you. If a bear charges you must draw the spray and hit it in the eyes and mouth, even-then it still may pursue you, Be patient and don't panic (ha... easier said than done) The bear in many cases has know to run off after the initial spray to the face, they have also continued attacking. The bottom line is the spray is just about the most effective "weapon" you can use on a bear, The most effective item is a cool head and preparation and knowledge of what to do if one attacks. A good book to read is "Mark of the Grizzly" Bear spray has also been know not to take any affect on black bears in certain cases.

Does Bear Mace work?

Yes it does, it is more powerful than Mace for humans. Mace also makes dog spray that is a bit weaker than sprays for humans.

How can bear spray kill a bear?

no it just keeps them away from u or just for a few minutes

Is a teddy bear a toy dog?

NO a teddy bear is a child's toy that a dog can play with.

What genus does the bear belong to?

dog because the bear and dog have good smelling system

Does anyone know where you can buy pepper spray or bear spray in Vancouver British Columbia?

Internet... have them ship it to you.