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not easily. however you might want to attempt to brush off all the verbal abuse as mental illness. that the narcissist doesnt mean what hes saying...or have any empathy for its damage. be selective in what you think his meaningful behavior is. in other words: when hes nice and needs you: hes mentally stable...and when he devalues and belittles you: he's crazy. diseased..and a poor tlittle hing. catch my drift? you must also remember that you can love and have a very meaningful relationship "to" a narcissist not "with" a narcissist. they can only love your love for them and your meaning to them. not you. you must realize they are having a relationship with themselves only and you are just a participant in that relationship. i do believe its possible to live this way. but...? why...? charity? believe me if you leave you will rapidly be replaced! its just different for them. they are not normal. or anything like the non-narcissist. i hesitate to use the word evil, but ...i suppose i will leave it as ...empty. please don't feel sorry for them...but you can appreciate them...they cant appreciate you. good luck

A very good answer, i have been with mine for ten years, and now have realised i wasnt going MAD!! or CRAZY!! i have know over a year now, but at the end of the day WHY should we live like this, this is not normal, so my advise would be to walk away no matter how hard it is, you need to for your own sanity, ive just walked and am srtill walking, but i KNOW i done the right thing all my family and friends said walk, but i walked when i realised i couoldnt live in this messed up world of theirs, of mind games, jealousy, anger, no empathy, that is not normal, and i WANT as normal life as i can get!!!!

You can never have control of a relationship involving an N. Normal people understand you can control someone. Ns don't they r control freaks and you will be the one in the end who is being controled. Also, Ns are not capable of love as im sure you've read. So they have control as to whether or not they even want to stay with you they can walk away at anytime and not even flinch.

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Simple. You swallow your true feelings and admire them. Make big deals of their "accomplishments." Here a mental picture. View your N as a toddler and praise them.

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