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Colored diamonds are created either through the addition of impurities in the diamond, or by selective changes to the diamond lattice.

  • Diamond is of course pure carbon. In its typical state, it is colorless.
  • If additional, non-aggregated nitrogen is added, then it will turn yellow.
  • If boron is added, then you will get a blue diamond.
  • If the diamond is exposed to radiation, it will knock out atoms within the lattice and create a green diamond.
  • Pink diamonds are tough to explain per se, but the leading theory is single nitrogen that is clumped next to an opening in the lattice (nitrogen vacancy centers).

It is interesting to note that the majority of 'white diamonds' do in fact have a bit of nitrogen in them. However, they are not yellow because the nitrogen has clumped together and in doing so, it does not interact with incoming light ... thus it remains white.

Lab-grown diamonds are now available in some of the fancy colors above, and a few links are included below.

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There are many different colors for diamonds. They do in fact come in black, though they are rare. If you stumble across one, they have an almost priceless value.

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One can find original colored diamonds to purchase from the 'Original Diamonds' website. They have diamonds listed in colors 'Exceptional White' and 'Rare White'.

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They can indeed. Gems are colored depending on the minerals inside them. Click on the related link for a good description with pictures of the different colors.

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The largest producer of chocolate and other brown-colored diamonds (champagne, cognac) is the Argyle diamond mine in western Australia. Brown colored diamonds are also found in Africa.

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Black diamonds are more rare than regular diamonds. They are one of the most rare species of colored diamonds.

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Can aquamarine be scratched by anything?

Yes! Diamond Aquamarine is a type of colored aluminum oxide (like emeralds and rubies, which have different colors) and as such, it is not the hardest jewel; diamonds are harder, and so, aquamarine can be scratched by diamonds.

Are there really colored diamonds or do they add color to them somehow?

There are really color diamonds which are rare and thats why they expensive

Are black diamonds better than any diamonds?

Nope. Black diamonds are very valuable (and very beautiful in my opinion!) but it's red colored diamonds that are considered the rarest and the most valuable.

Pattern of colored diamonds on diagonal grid?

Argyle -Lalit Uchil

Where can one purchase canary diamonds?

Canary diamonds are bright yellow-colored diamonds. One can purchase them from jewelers, as well as from online mega-retailers such as eBay and Amazon.