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Glue board fly-killers are very similar to this fly tape, so maybe you can use vegetable oil to un-stick that rabbit's fur, then give the fur a water-rinse.

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Q: How do you get fly tape off my rabbit's fur?
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What do you do when your rabbits fur is coming off bad?

then you should go see a doctor

Might two male rabbits pull fur off each other or would that mean one's a female?

Two male rabbits may well pull fur off each other. No matter the sex of the rabbits, this is aggressive behaviour: fighting. (Females tend to pull fur off themselves for their nests, not other rabbits.) You should separate the rabbits because fighting can lead to serious injuries, as well as emotional trauma. Only rabbits that are bonded should be allowed together. See the related questions below for more info.

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We use a lint roller, but if you don't have one of those, try using tape.

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How do you get wd40 off a rabbits fur?

ok, so dont hold me against this if i am wrong, but when cleaning anything like that off an animal, use dawn hand soap. it works, and its safe for the animals ^.^

Why do your female rabbits bite fur off of the others back?

I'm sure this has something to do with building a nest. My female rabbit used to pull most of her fur of her back to make a nest when she had phantom pregnancies. It may be that this is what your rabbit is doing.

How do adult blue jays interact with their young?

They feed them small rabbits and thrpw them off cliffs and see if they can fly. if they cant.. well to bad.

Do longboards need grip tape?

Yes they do. Or else your feet will fly off, and wont be very pretty. (if ur talking about the skateboard longboard)

We have 2 rabbits but today we noticed that one is pulling fur off itsself is this a sign that it is pregnant?

That fur is what she will line the nest with. She will give birth in about a week so have a good nesting box ready for her along with some hay or straw. Congratulations!

How do you stop pet rat jumping all around my bedroom?

Duct Tape..... Put duct tape in parts of your bedroom you dont want it in.. it will not pull any fur off as it is weak... They dont like sticky things so will learn not to go near them spaces.

What is a rabbits off spring?

Baby rabbits are known as kits

Fur loss on around ears rabbits?

It's probably caused by mites. Your rabbit will attempt to scratch the itchy mites off and end up hurting her ears. Take her to the vet for some medicine.