

How do you get forgievness from Allah?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Allah forgives all sins through repentance. What are the requirements of a correct repentance?

1) To not worship anyone but the One God, with no partners, and perform what Allah has commanded (prayers, fasting, charity, etc.). In other words, be a practicing Muslim.

2) To feel bad for the sins committed

3) To ask Allah (alone) to forgive the sin - there are several prayers of the Prophet, or you can use your own words.

4) To have the hope and the intention to avoid the sin from now on.

5) If the sin also hurt someone else (like stealing) then the last part of repentance is to try to make amends and seek forgiveness of the one who was hurt.

Then you must remember that humans are imperfect and prone to sinning. Even if you fall into the same sin - again and again - you have to keep asking Allah to forgive you. Allah WILL forgive you if you fulfill the things listed above. One of those things is to have the sincere intention not to ever commit the sin again. The emphasis is on the sincere intention. That is enough. Because you are only human, you can't guarantee that you will never do it again; but you have to want to never do it again.

Allah says, from a Hadith Qudsi: "Oh Children of Adam, if you were to come to me with sins amassing from the Earth to the sky and you if you were to ask me to forgive you - worshipping no others with ME - then I would come with forgiveness equal to your sins".

So don't stop repenting to Allah. He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

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