

Best Answer

You could take the Ryan air, which is super cheap to fly from country to country. A bus is another option that is not too much of a hassle. I recommend Ryan air, I have had great experiences with them.

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Q: How do you get from Lithuania to Germany?
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What year did Germany invade Lithuania?

Germany invaded Lithuania in the year 1941. Germany with the Soviet Union and defeated, invading Lithuania. Germany occupied Lithuania for a few years.

Where there any wars in Lithuania?

Yes, there were 3 wars for independence, against Germany. And Lithuania won against Germany.

What European countries border the Baltic Sea?

Sweden, Denmark, Russia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland

How long did a train ride take from Lithuania to Germany in late 19th century?

2 hours. However, that would not have taken you very far into Germany. Lithuania and Germany (Ostrpreussen) bordered each other in the 19th century, so depending where you were in Lithuania - it could take as little as 5 minutes. The district of Klaipeda (previously Memel) in Lithuania was part of Germany in the 19th century, as was the area round Tilsit.

What distance from Berlin Germany to Vilnius Lithuania?


How was Lithuania founded?

Lithuania was founded in 1009 and has wanted to gain an independence from "Kiev Russia", but in early days first men in Lithuania came in ice age from Germany

What tunnel is connected from Lithuania to Switzerland?

None. Lithuania and Switzerland are a long way apart. The whole of Poland and Germany are in between.

What country border the baltic sea?

Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, and Russia.

What is the country is in the baltic sea?

Sweden, Finland. Russia, Germany. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Denmark

What countries are on the baltic sea?

The European countries that border the Baltic Sea are: Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and Denmark.Of those, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Estonia are considered Eastern European. Germany is considered Western or Central European. Denmark, Sweden, and Finland are considered Scandinavian.

What eight nations border the baltic sea?

There are nine, Sweden, Russia , Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Denmark

Which country is nearest to Poland?

Poland is bordered by Germany, the Czech Rebublic, Slovakia, the Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia. Poland has a coast on the Baltic Sea, which is itself bordered by Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia