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Tell him that you are sorry and explain why you did it in the first place. Tell him you promise you wont do it again. Tell him that you knew it was wrong but you cant apologize enough and ask for his trust back.

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Q: How do you get his trust back I've hacked my boyfriend twice and he has found out I don't know what to do help?
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You can love someone, but not trust them and since you've broken up with him twice before and hurt him deeply why should he make a move to get your back. Earn his trust and mean it! You don't play with people's feelings like the way you have been doing and when in doubt put yourself in his shoes.

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I dont know if you really can regain trust and self assurance with a man who lies to you. Personally if he lied to me - more than once- than I would not be able to take him back. Mostly because once is just being human and making mistakes, twice is basically saying "Don't trust me".....I'm sorry but if he really loved you or even liked you then he wouldn't have lied to you twice (like i said once is just being human). I am sorry. Hope this helps. <3 Megan Joy Jones

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It also depends on the nature of your boyfriends crimes. So, what did boyfriend do? And when? But seriously, think twice about even HAVING a boyfriend around your child until the divorce is finalized.

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Repeatedly breaking your parents' trust can strain your relationship with them and erode the foundation of trust. It may lead to consequences such as stricter rules, loss of privileges, or damaged communication. Rebuilding trust after multiple breaches may take time and effort from both sides.

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You just go onto you're account twice a day and get a boyfriend :)

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Yes. Not only has she dated people, she has been married twice.

What bible scriptures include the word trust many times?

In the King James version The word - trust - does not appear more than once in any one verse. The chapters where the word - trust - appears more than once are 2 Kings 18 = 5 times Isaiah 36 = 5 times Psalms 32 = 3 times Psalms 37 = 3 times Psalms 56 = 3 times Psalms 115 = 3 times Isaiah 30 = 3 times Jeremiah 7 = 3 times 2 Corinthians 1 = 3 times 2 Samuel 22 = twice Job 15 = twice Psalms 18 = twice Psalms 25 = twice Psalms 40 = twice Psalms 62 = twice Psalms 71 = twice Psalms 91 = twice Psalms 118 = twice Romans 15 = twice Philippians 2 = twice 1 Timothy 6 = twice Note: this is just a list where the precise word - trust - appears multiple times. It does not look at 'trusted', or 'trusteth' or any other form of the word.