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Well i cant get in myself there isnt a box that said penthouse :(

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Q: How do you get into the penthouse to find blueprints in sims 2?
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How do you get blueprints on sims 2 ds?

You DO NOT need 5 mechanical skillsAll you have to do is:Go to the Penthouse between 6 to 10 pmOptimum Alfred is not there

What do you do after you defeat the 3 robots as the ratticator in the sims 2 for the ds?

after you defeat the 3 robots , optimum alfread gets angry and locks himself in the penthouse. emperor xizzle then comes along and asks for the antenna blueprints. you need to collect 5 mechanical skill points so you can hack into the penthouse and retrieve the blueprints.

Sims 2 for the ds after you get the 5 mechanical skill points what do you do?

Once you get 5 mechanical skill points you have to complete the mission "Earn Mechanical 5, break into the Penthouse, and steal the Blueprints" and when you obtain the blueprints for the antenna you have to take it to the alien emperor: Emperor Zizzle.

How do you get into the penthouse on the Sims 2 on Nintendo DS?

to get into the penthouse you use the elevator in the hotel lobby.tap the button that says penthouse and you can go in.

The sims 2 Nintendo DS how to get in the penthouse?

when the rich man comes the penthouse builds it self

How do you steal the blueprints in sims 2?

Go onto answer for the answer =] IDN

How do you steal the blueprints on sims 2?

you need 10 mechanical points and then go to the penthouse and they will be there ------ WRONG answer. you need more than 5 mechanical points and yes, they're in the penthouse but you gotta wait for 6 pm to 10 pm and the robot Alfred will go recharge battery. when he's gone you go steal blueprints. PS 6 pm in Sims time. as you know the Sims time is about one hour slow. WRONG!, you need 5 mechanical points then steal the blueprints while the robot goes and charges his batteries at 6 pm 10 pm (if you need to change the time on your DS to 6 pm or 10 pm or in between. Wrong, sims time is the same time that u put on your ds so u must have the wrong ds time !

What time do you break in the penthouse on the sims 2 for Nintendo ds?

Between 6pm-10pm. :) hope I helped ;)

Who stays in the penthouse after Optimum Alfred on Sims 2 on Nintendo ds?

nobody, it's free to rent and get monkey from.

How do you get optimum Alfred out of the penthouse in DS game The Sims 2 Hotel?

earn micanicle 5 and break into the penthhouse.

How do you break into the penthouse on sims 2 for ds?

When you're supposed to defeat Alfred? You have to collect 5 mechanical skill points first, and then go to the penthouse between 6pm and 10pm. The Concierge told me that's when he goes out to "recharge his batteries".

How do you get in the the blueprints if you keep going back to your room in sims 2 on the ds?

You need to wait when it's 6pm or 10pm that's when he is charging his battery