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Well, another Tamagotchi lover in the world! Well, when you win money on Tamagotchi town, it comes with a code. You enter that code on your Tamagotchi, and it should appear. That's what it does for me! Hope this helps! :)

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Q: How do you get money from tamagotchi town on your 4.5 as in when you win the money and then log out how do you get the money you won in Tamagotchi Town?
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What do you do with tamagotchi points in tama town?

Tamagotchi points are like money but in tamagotchi form when you log out of tamatown the money you've earned is given to your tamagotchi which can be spent at the "shop" icon in your tamagotchi toy :pHOPED I HELPED?!?!?!:

How do you get into tamagotchi town without a tamagotchi?

You actually can't. But I do know that if you have a v3, you can get in without a tamagotchi.

How do you get money on tamagotchi's?

You can get money on tamagotchi by playing games. Otherwise, if you have a computer and a tamagotchi version 4, 4.5, 5 or 6 you can go on TAMAGOTCHI TOWN on the Internet, put the password, play games and earn money and log off.

What do you do to connect tamagotchi town?

well what i have heard you need a v.5 tamagotchi and it should come with a code which you then login to tamagotchi town with it and play games and then if you win games they will give you codes for different things.

How do your tamagotchi v5 get a job?

You have to go to tamagotchi town. Then you go to the job building on the central pavilion.

What if you cant find your tamagotchi how do you log into tama town?

you won't be able to. your tamagotchi has the key to doing it

Where do you put the logout code from tamagotchi town into you tamagotchi v4?

On your tamagotchi log in screen, just press "B" and type in the logout code.

Who is the tamagotchi king?

The tamagotchi king is the king of tama town (tama town is a tamgotchi website). He is a big golden egg! Lol! Hope I helped!:D

What type of device does one need to play Tamagotchi Town?

In order to play Tamagotchi Town one must have a Tamagotchi toy. Tamagotchi toys would simulate the life cycle of a real pet, which enable the kids to experience the responsibility at the same time fun of taking care a pet.

How do you make a tamagotchi music star go online?

go on to tamagotchhi town and hit log in as tamagotchi then go into pc on the tamagotchi and it will give you a log in code type in the code to the computer and your tamagotchi will be on the screen.

Can you enter the tamagotchi town anymore for v4.5?

Yes You Can =] at

How do you transfer points from you tamagotchi toy to tama town?

You can't!