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But I don't want to date anybody, I'm married.

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Q: How do you get mother to change her mind and let you date third cousin?
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Related questions

Is it okay to date your third cousin?

You can date anyone you want, whether third cousin or first cousin. Going beyond simply dating may raise issues with a first cousin, but not with a third cousin.

Can you go out with your third cousin?

There are no restrictions or laws that would make it a problem to date, or even marry, a third cousin.

Is it wrong to date your half cousin?

I don't think its wrong because say your mother have a sister from her daddy side and your mother sister have a cousin.that cousin not related to your mother or your mother father y'all aren't related no way at all.that cousin is related to your auntie because of your auntie mother side.

Can a 13 year old have a relationship with her 21 year old cousin?

You can, just not legally. Also you have problems if you want to date your cousin. It is also legal to marry your third cousin.

Should you date your fourth cousin?

Yes, you could ate your fourth cousin and in some cases people can marry a fourth cousin as they are far removed enough genetically to have children. However, it is the family that may have a problem with fourth cousins dating.

Can a 16-year-old boy date his female second cousin in Florida?

There are no laws against dating. However, if you want to have sex or get married, she has to be your third cousin.

Is it posseble that my daughter is dating a guy who is like her 4th or 5th cousin?

It's highly possible, and within the law. The closest relative you can date is the third cousin, I believe

Can you marry your nephew's mother?

No. Because he is your cousin and its wrong to date family

Is it ok tho date your 17 year old step aunt?

it is okay to date anyone who is not a "blood relative". Anyone who is a "Step..." anything is not a blood relative. For instance, it is okay to date your: Step Cousin, Step Second Cousin, Step Third Cousin, etc. it is even okay to date a step Brother or sister, however it is slightly looked down upon by most societies.

Why your desktop will not keep time and date?

change your mother board cmos battery and set Time and date

Can you date your fourth cousin in the family tree?

Yes, you can date anyone whether fourth cousin, twentieth cousin, or first cousin. Dating is going out and having a good time.

Can I date my aunts cousin?

yes, you can. If your dad and your cousins mom are brother and sister then you can date your cousins cousin on your cousins dads side.