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Yo use the stink bomb you made in the science lab in the school.

(To make the stink bomb: go to the science lab in the school. Click on the cemical tray. Turn the knob to 3 and put in half yellow and half of the blue liquid. You will then have the stink bomb.)

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15y ago

Mrs. Godfrey will not let you reach the filing cabinet. You will need something to get her to move. A stink bomb should work. (see related questions)

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Q: How do you get past Mrs. Godfrey in detention on Big Nate Island?
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How do you get past Mrs Godfrey in detention on Big Nate Island on Poptropica?

Click on your inventory and select "Use" on the stink bomb. Mrs. Godfrey will run away. Exit the detention room.

How do you get past the log on Big Nate island?

jump past and then go to school make stink bomb and go to detention then use it and then the teacher will go

How do you get past detention on big nate island?

The object of going to detention is to reach the secret room behind the filing cabinet. You need the blueprint from Nate's locker, the gum you get for completing the comic, and a stink bomb made in the Science Room. (see the related question for the solution)

How do you get past the teacher on Big Nate Island?

In the Science room, you can make a stink bomb (blue plus yellow then heat it). When you are in detention, USE the bomb to scare away the teacher. (see related question)

How do you save nates report card on big nate?

You don't! unless you get past the island.

How do you get to the basement of big nates island?

You'll have to get in the detention room somehow, and the best way to do that is breaking the rules. Go to the "No Gum Chewing" sign and chew the gum you just got. Mrs. Godfrey will give you detention. There doesn't seem to be a way into the basement, but you can't fully explore with Mrs. Godfrey around. Look in your items to find a way to get rid of her. The Stink Bomb is just the thing! Use it and she'll flee to escape the smell. Now you can get past her to the file cabinets. Click on them to reveal a secret entrance to the cellar!

Where is the lighthouse in Poptropica?

On 'Big Nate Island' go past the photo shop and the playground and if you see a rock with 'Puffin Point' then you are there

How do you get to the school on big nate island?

Go right from Main Street, past the open space, and the school is the next area.

How do you get past detention?

OK so what you do:You have to blow bubble gum to get into detentionSet of the stink-bomb you get in the science roomShe runs outAccess the drawer she was hidingThat's How You Get Past Detention!

How do you use the stink bomb in big nate poptropica?

Take the stink bomb to the school chew some gum get caught go in detention click on the stink bomb and let it sit on the floor go down the filing cabinet to your right get the bell thing shine the light on the light house at the [there is no way to get past it otherwise] put the bell thing on the top the girls will move put a peanut butter cracker were they were standing spitsy will dig there and the time capsule get big nate island medalion.

What do you get on table football on big nate island?

you will get a book with jokes on it.but it's optional to get past the table football could just skip it if you want since it is kind of hard.

How do you get past the bird on the lighthouse on big nate island?

You need to get the lobster and head to the lighthouse. Use the lobster to move the light direction toward the school and the seagull. The gull will then fly away.