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In the Preparing Room of the carrot cake factory, move to the right side of the room by passing each "smasher" or "squirter" one at a time. If you are hit, it will only temporarily delay you. At the right side, jump up to find the rabbot ears and the exit.

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Q: How do you get past the up and down things on 24 carrot island?
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How do you get past the things that go up and down on 24 carrot island?

The pistons in the Preparing Room are moving up and down on a regular interval. When you run past them, stop on the other side, because the "squirters" are on the same schedule. If you try to dash all the way across, they will hit you. Cross the piston, wait for the squirt, then cross that part, and stop again.

How do you get past the big red claw on 24 carrot island?

The "red claw" is the large unused transport clamp in the carrot cake factory on 24 carrot island. Once you enter the factory, turning on the power will start up the claw, which you can then use to reach the factory vent system. To turn on the claw, push the center control lever all the way down, and the other two switches halfway down. (see related question)

How do you get out of the tunnel on 24 carrot island?

The tunnel runs from the water to the factory floor. Pick up the Carrot Transporter and get past the trap doors and the rat, and turn on the power to the factory. (Switches : down, halfway down, down)

Where is the bowl in the farmhouse on 24 carrot island?

You enter through the chimney. The glass bowl is on the floor. You cannot walk past it.

In 24 carrot island how do you get past the red things?

Red things? In the factory entrance, the "bottle caps" open and close. Cross each one as soon as it closes, and only one at a time. In the preparing room (trap door), all you need to do is slip past each piston or squirter one at a time.

Where is the farmhouse with a chimney on 24 carrot island?

The farmhouse is past the Funny Bunny Carrot Farm, tothe left of Main Street. The house is closed up, but you can climb to the roof and enter through the chimney.

Where is the farm on 24 carrot island?

The carrot farm is to the left of Main Street. The only thing there is the abandoned farmhouse, where a missing cat was seen. The cat belongs to the clerk at Charlie's Carrot Surplus. (see related question)

What is the crowbar on 24 carrot island used for?

When you get the crowbar from charlie you go to the factory go past all the "things" until you reach the green water (:P yuck) you will find a sewage pipe. Its locked click it and if you have the crowbar your player will automatically use it!

How do you get past the camera on 24 carrot island?

When you are transported to the freezer, cut the wires on the security system there. (You find wire cutters just before you enter the processing room).

How do you get past the police to go down town in super power island?

Its impossible!

How do you get past the first part in the factory to get on the map on 24 Carrot Island?

Get the map (vent blueprint) from the window near the roof, and enter the Carrot Cake Factory by using the crowbar on the sewer pipe. One you are past the trap doors and the rat, enter the factory floor and press the three red switches at the left : the middle one all the way down and the other two halfway down. This will start up the machines. Climb right, then to the upper left, and ride the large crane arm across to the vent entrance at the upper right.

Where you go after you go down the drones only place on 24 carrot island?

After you are dropped into the Preparing Room by the trap door, get past the machines and find the rabbot ears at the right side (top), and exit through the ceiling. Put on the rabbot ears to get through the "Drones Only" door.