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Either find another pregnant/lactating rabbit or go to a pet store and get some replacement milk. Ask the workers or a vet what is the best for your bunny. Good luck!

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Q: How do you get rabbit milk if the mother is dead?
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What about using baby formula to nurse a baby rabbit?

Where's its mother? Try to use cat milk if the mother isn't there. If you want to use a syringe, be very careful. Don't get any milk in the rabbit's nose, or it might...stop breathing.

What do you feed a 10 year old baby rabbit?

I don't see how a 10 year old rabbit can be a baby, a 10 year old rabbit would be a very, very old rabbit. Do you mean a 10 day old rabbit. In which case the baby would need to be fed on milk. The best milk for the rabbit would be that of its mother.

The mother rabbits eat their own babys?

Yes, mother rabbits eat their young. Its is the same for the Hamster. When the mother rabbits eats it own young, it means that the mother rabbit is stressed out and angry. Advise: If the Mother Rabbit born a baby, it must be separated from the Mother rabbit. You may put it in a different cage.

How many days do the bunnies have to drink the milk from a female rabbit?

Kits need to drink milk from the mother rabbit for about 6-8 weeks. I know its long, but the female only suckles her kits for about 5 minutes a day, that's it!

Would a rabbit bury a dead rabbit?

no it woundn't.. rabbits don't care if others die.. a mother rabbit would eat one of her babys if it it woudn't rot away in front of her other babys

What can you do at home for dehydration of a newborn rabbit?

Newborn rabbits get hydration and nutrition from their mother's milk. If the kit (baby rabbit) isn't drinking, it will require medical intervention or else it probably won't survive. Call your rabbit-savvy vet and ask for advice.

How much does it cost rabbit milk?

I don't think you can buy rabbit milk. You can buy cat milk replacer and canned goat milk, either of which can be fed to orphaned bunnies.

How does a mother rabbit make milk for her babies?

The mother rabbit makes milk for her kits by eating a little extra food. Her body creates a liquid from the vitamins and nutrients she had just digested and creates milk!

What is bunny milk?

It is milk that comes from a female rabbit's breasts.

The mother dog just ate one of her dead puppies is it ok for her to nurse the other puppies?

NO it is not okay separate the puppies from the mother. Yes, just like a human mother they eat food, they get more milk and for the mother dog she gets twice more milk in her breasts

Will a mother rabbit care for a baby rabbit that was touched by a dog?

yes why not..every mother do it.

What type of milk do wild baby bunnies drink?

Mommy rabbit milk