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Q: How do you get really big muscular and swole with a small petite body type?
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How did eisenhower believe the cold war could be won?

he was really swole so no one could out bench press him

Is the correct spelling swole or swoll?

The conjugation and adjective from to swell is neither, but rather "swelled" and "swollen".

What does swole mean in slang?

It's a dialect pronunciation for "swollen"

How do you get swole in five days?

You don't. It takes months of hard work and dieting.

What is the meaning of the urban slang swole?

When you get injured and you get all swoled It's not actually an accepted word in the English language, as yet. It's a back-formation from swollen. The correct English word would be swelled as in, "My ankle swelled up".

What rap song goes i suggest you shut your pie hole talking all that crap will get your eye swole?

You ain't really sayin nuthin...Man up Squad You ain't really sayin nuthin...Man up Squad

What if your gums are swole and you have a bad tooth ache?

Most likely you have an abscess/infection. You should see your Dentist immediately.

What if your calf is hurting six months after knee surgery how can you tell if it is a blood clot?

I had already been in the hospital for a blood clot on the same leg after knee surgery. My calf is realy hurting as if I had really worked it out too hard. Before my leg swole up from the knee down.

What kind of whale swole johna blue or humpback whele?

Jonah could not have been swallowed by a whale at all. Whales have throats the size of a small melon (bigger for a blue whale), but incapable of swallowing a human. It is possible Jonah was swallowed by a shark! It is also possible that the story of Jonah and the whale was a parable, and not a true story, but one that got a point across!

Do tongue rings wear enamel off teeth?

Yes they r because sometime when you're sleeping the ring taps the teeth to where you get cracks on them. And by the way, you need to treat your tongue or it will swole up like a balloon.