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When you get a player, and are played BY that player... you play back. When he breaks your heart use the hurt and channel it to revenge. First off you use a friend that he doesn't know. hook them up without him knowing that you did. Make sure the friend isn't vulnerable to sweet words of love and all the tricks he used on you. Since you know all that he likes make her the perfect girl for him. If you see he starts to play her tell her to break it off. If he begins to fall in love with her then your in. Once he does keep playing off of it til you know his feelings are so strong he would just about die if she left. Then when he is comfortable and happy, rip her out from under him, like he did you. The heart is a vulnerable thing, anything can be manipulated if studied and the heart is one of the easiest things. make his game your game except sneakier.


  • 1)make sure you know him well, know his game and the way he plays- they always have a pattern.
  • 2) don't use a easy to hurt friend tell the friend in advance and see if she is good for it.
  • 3) don't let him know you are friends! That messes up the mission!
  • 4) do it once, don't over do it with the same guy, it shows that your totally not over him.
  • 5) Don't be obvious, a good player can tell when he is being played and remember to remind the girl he is good and it'll be tough.
  • 6) if you fail, don't keep trying.
  • 7)have fun Chick and remember my tips and advice! ;)

*******How to spot a player:

  • It is kinda tough at times. You may think only the pretty boys do it, but no, watch out for the average dudes too! they can be just as deadly if not more. If you don't trust him, stay that way until your sure that you can. If someones says they are cheating on you or that he is with them. Most likely chick.... He is.The average ones are smart ones. You never expect them but they are the worst. They steal your heart right from under you WHILE they are doing it to some other poor little innocent victim. (For the record: older guys like younger, naive little virgins for a reason!) If they want some don't give it to them, respect yourself and use MORALS!
  • *********Alright so i know a lot of you girls think that this is bull that's been written but trust me. I know how guys are and this is written from a girl that's been played point of view. yeah you thought you loved the guy and They made you think they loved you back but the reality is sometimes you are used. A lot of the times guys aren't hat you think they are but take the chances of life and stand through the hurt. yeah it hurts& sucks but that's life. deal with it and it may get better!
  • *********One more thing: If its hard to be with someone you love.... Leave. because most likely, its not worth it.
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12y ago

Forget him. That is the best revenge and figure you have now learned to keep away from the player type. This type wants the attention, cares little about girls/women, and is happy with the way he is. He is a "user", selfish, and sometimes a social path. He will NOT change no matter what you do. I know how you feel, been there, done that. Go on with life.

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12y ago

Do not give attention to him. That will be enough instead of planning any revenge. Enjoy your life and get over him ASAP .

Forget him. That is the best revenge and figure you have now learned to keep away from the player type. This type wants the attention, cares little about girls/women, and is happy with the way he is. He is a "user", selfish, and sometimes a social path. He will NOT change no matter what you do. I know how you feel, been there, done that. Go on with life.

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11y ago
  • No why would you want to sink to the bottom of the barrel where he is at! Getting back at him is a waste of energy and with these types of guys they still won't get the picture. Many women (and men) get played for a fool, but we all learn from these mistakes and try not to make them again. Consider yourself lucky you found out now and move on; make yourself open to dating once again until you find that special someone that should be in your life.
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9y ago

Do not give attention to him. That will be enough instead of planning any revenge. Enjoy your life and get over him ASAP .

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