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I'm not sure what the plant is, but generally to remove a plant that is invasive, you must keep it from releasing its seeds as well as dig it up, roots and all. Usually even pieces of root can start a new plant. So, by digging it up early in the season and bagging all of the pieces for removal, over a couple of years you should be able to be rid of it.

The Chinese weed is a very strong strain of marijuana. you should probably get rid of it before the police are notified and you go to jail.

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Q: How do you get rid of Chinese weed growing in the garden?
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Determining if a plant is a weed is often in the eye of the beholder. In general, a weed is a type of plant that is growing where you do not want it to grow. Often, these are plants that grow very fast and crowd out more desirable plants. Getting rid of them can be a cumbersome task since they tend to flourish in bad conditions and multiply easily.

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White Vinegar is a great natural weed killer. To use White Vinegar to kill weeds, simply spray full strength White Vinegar onto the weed you would like rid of. The Acetic acid in the White Vinegar sucks the moisture from the weed, killing it. NB Be very careful to only spray the weed, and not surrounding plants as it will kill the plant in exactly the same way it kills the weed!

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