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well, go up to him and be really sweet about it. easiest one? im not ready for a relationship, im sorry. but i promise we can be really good friends. and keep that promise!

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Q: How do you get rid of a the shy guy who likes you a lot without hurting him?
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What do you do if you love a guy a lot an want to be with him but he keeps hurting you because he scared?

Ask yourself why you want to be with a guy who hurts you and keep asking yourself that until the answer is "I don't." We have only your word to go on that he's scared. Maybe he hurts people because he likes hurting people.

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You can tell if a guy likes you or if you like him a lot if you often spend time with each other.

How do you know if a guy likes or loves you or he just sees you as a friend though complements you a lot?

how he lookes at you!!!!!!!!!!!! you girls are hopless i mean i am a guy and when a guy compliments you and lookes at you a lot he likes you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you notice a guy likes you?

a guy likes you when he looks at you a lot and smiles at you (sometimes he will stare at you) If you know he likes you kiss him in private and tell him the truth.

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What he says and how he looks at you. If he always pays attention to you and smiles a lot, then he likes you.

What signs do a guy give you when he likes you?

Looks at you a lot

Can you fracture your fibula without it hurting a lot?

A fibula fracture will hurt.

This guy likes you a lot you have always been friends what do you do?

If the guy likes you and you like him back ask him if he wanted to go to the movies

How can you tell if someone likes your guy?

if they are hanging around him a lot and if they flirt with him a lot.

Theres this guy that I don't like that likes me a lot and is three grades above me I want to tell him that I don't him at all but I don't know how without hurting his feelings?

just say ," look your to old for me if i was older then maybe but you can't stop time so sorry." trust me it works everytime for the older guys.

How does a gay guy know if another guy likes him a lot and thinks he is hot?

he asks him out ^_^

If a guy you like bother looks at you a lot does it mean he knows he likes me or something?

OK if he looks at you a lot then he likes you a lot of boys are to shy to go up to people so he likes you?