

How do you get rid of an embarrassing itch?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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if you use canesten that usually works

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Q: How do you get rid of an embarrassing itch?
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To get rid of dry winter itch, put on thick lotion after you shower or bathe to lock in the moisture

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I think the most important thing is to get rid of the cause of the itch which will in turn stop the itch. If you have determined the cause of your itch is a yeast infection. you can always go get monistat cream and and put in the area of the itch. I actually prefer the natural methods. plain yogurt works great. it will sooth the itch plus it will get rid of the infection and restore natural balance. Also suggest taking a golden seal supplement for about 2 weeks to get rid of the yeast in your system.

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If it is not a rash, just a regular itch, itch it, not too hard. If it persists, try anti-itch cream.

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Surprisingly if you coat your hands in vanilla Greek yogurt it will relive the itch. You can also dip them in ice water. Good luck!

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How do i get rid of swimmer's itch?

To get rid of swimmers itch you have to put your swim suit in the dryer to kill the parasite have to do this because when you go swimming in the lake (lake that's dirty and has lots of ducks) the parasite bites you and when it spreads more and it gets into your swim suit and the only way to kill it is to put it into the dryer for 30 to 45 minutes,it also depends on how long until you started getting the itch.

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because the germs inside you are biting you to get rid of this all you have to do is rub body cream on you

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Methylprednisolone may help with itching, but other anti-itch treatments are usually more helpful with fewer side effects. It won't get rid of the insects.

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Well if you would like to prevent is rub on vix all over your body or get the swimmers itch prevention cream. To get rid of it, in some cases you go to the Emergency room and get a shot and then get prescripted 2 types of meds. Or you can put rubbing alcohol on the irritated area(s) then take an oatmeal bath and put on anti itch cream with that it should clear up in a few days.

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Well that's weird if they don't itch or anything. I would think they would be chiggers. sorry

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tell your boyfriend to cut them off