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Get a large bowl and fill it with scalding hot water, place your face close to the water while drapping a towel over your head so the steam doesn't escape. This will allow the steam to open your pores. Do this for a little while and then use 2 q-tips to gently squeeze it out. Unfortunetly blackheads don't just go away on there own, and I have tried the over the counter stuff with no luck. The only thing that ever works is "popping" it like you would a pimple, but make sure that the pores are open to cause less irratation to your skin afterward. Good luck.

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Q: How do you get rid of black head that's been on your nose for about a year?
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How do you remove black heads in the nose?

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Can pugs have a stuffy nose from allergies?

Yes, thats why you have to clean their nose and eyes when you groom them.

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You get a black eye by trauma in or around the eye. It is a bruise. Impact injuries to the head or face, particularly the nose, can cause some rather dramatic looking bruises.

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it would be weird smelling or hearing or tasting from any other part of your body and god just put it right there because thats where it looks right

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You may have dried blood in your nose, or may have been breathing a lot of dust or smoke.

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The hair in your nose named cilia filters everything that comes inside the nose like dust and dirt and these are the black stuff you get in your nose.

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Well first off I don't think its offensive, but in some cultures, religions, and families it could easily be offensive which is appsolutley OK! But I think that they are just plain ugly. Instead of them looking like ring on your nose they look like you have a black zit (black head). So I say NO TO NOSE STUDS!

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Sinuses are up your nose to almost your forhead. I don't believe they are in your head. I think they are connected to your nose.

What is an panthers nose color?

I think a panthers nose is black