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As the original article states, increased water intake and increased fiber are critical, especially insoluble fiber, although soluble works as well. WebMD has a good explanation of the differences and the types of food in which they can be found. If you don't have the time or appetite to eat healthy and increase your fiber, you can take supplements in the form of pills or powders. Be aware of those that also include stimulants, and avoid them if you're not suffering a serious bout of constipation.

One thing the article doesn't address is posture when evacuating. The western toilet can be found all over the world, but the locals in most Eastern and Middle-eastern countries squat rather than sit. Sometimes there will be convenient indentations in the floor for your feet, sometimes there will be a wall to rest your elbows. This is a much more anatomically suitable way to go. One doesn't need a squatty (what my friends and I called the bathroom with just a hole in the floor) to squat. It can be done on top of the toilet seat. The only problem is you pretty much have to remove your pants.

In this position it is also possible to apply pressure to the area outside the anus to help massage the waste out, especially if you're constipated. Doing this reduces the need to strain, which causes the ruptures and inflammation to begin with. Don't be embarrassed. There's nothing pleasurable about it except for the relief of not feeling like you need (or you're getting) an episiotomy to take a dump.

Lastly, change your cleansing habits from dry toilet paper to moist towelettes. This is much less harsh on the area. If it is enflamed, you'll want towelettes moistened with witch hazel. At home you can just keep a bottle by the toilet for soaking your wad of toilet paper.

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Q: How do you get rid of hemorrhoid's with out surgery?
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How can a man get rid of hemorrhoids completely?

Only surgery will get rid of them but they can still come back.

Where can I learn about hemorrhoids and how to get rid of them?

Very persistent hemorrhoids can be dealt with swifty and permanently with surgery. The surgery is not as bad as it sounds, and certainly not as bad as living with bad hemorrhoids. Anything that Preparation H won't take care of in a month or so should be referred to a doctor, so he can either set you up with stronger medicine or get you the surgery to get rid of them.

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I do not believe that drinking has any bearing on hemorrhoids that I have ever heard of. Use over the counter creams, and if that doesn't work, there is always surgery to get rid of them.

What website will explain hemorrhoid surgery?

You can get rid of a hemorrhoid with diet, proper hygiene, and topical medication. If none of this helps you can read about hemorrhoid surgery at This site will tell you everything you need to know about the process.

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this is surgery and should be discussed with your physician

Will hemorrhoid treatment get rid of my hemorrhoids?

Yes, treating hemorrhoids will get rid of hemorrhoids. There are special ointments that are available for purchase to help with hemorrhoids, as well as many other at home remedies. Some of these treatment options include, using baby wipes after using the bathroom instead of toilet paper and try witch hazel, which shrinks them, reducing pain and itching.

Hemmeriods whats the cure?

Medicines like Preparation H will help get rid of hemorrhoids.

What cures hemorrhoids?

There is no real cure you can do yourself for hemorrhoids. You can use creams like Preparation H or pads like Tucks to give you some relief. These really do help the hemorrhoids go down. The only way to completely get rid of hemorrhoids is to have them surgically removed. Otherwise, they will keep coming back.

Where can a doctor that treats hemorrhoids be found?

If you are showing the symptoms of hemorrhoids you should likely contact your family doctor. They will give you home-treatments and will direct you Gastroenterologist if medical treatment or surgery is necessary.

What are the treatments to hemorrhoids?

Treatments for hemorrhoids include preparation H ointment, avoiding sitting, surgery, avoiding anal penetration, changing diet to include more fiber, and reducing the carb intake of foods.

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Laser surgery.