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just keep shampooing and conditioning

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Q: How do you get rid of infected lice bits after using lice treatment still red and inflamed?
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Have infected toe used magnesium sulphate it drew out poison but toe is still sore and inflamed Should you continue with this treatment?

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Can you get reinfected with chlamydia from using the same washcloth after treatment?

You can't get chlamydia from wearing the clothes you wore before treatment. Chlamydia can only live for minutes outside the body. Chlamydia is spread by sexual contact with someone who's infected. You can get it from oral, anal, or vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; or birth to an infected woman.

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Yes a person who ate prion infected food using hands can cross-contaminate other things if he touches the food infected with prions with his hands.

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A paper cut may be benign to one's health, but a cut from rusty steel is more likely to become infected. The earlier benign treatment of the American colonies was seemingly replaced by arbitrary taxation and repression.

Can you get HPV using the rhythm method?

Yes you can get HPV using the rhythm method if your partner is infected with HPV.

How does HIV positive occurs?

It majorly occurs due to 4 reasons : 1) Using infected needles. 2)infected mother to the foetus. 3)Sexual contact. 4)Blood tranfusion , from infected to normal.

What is a sentence using the word wound as a noun?

After about a week, the wound became infected.

Can you get infected if you pierce yourself with the same neadle your friend did?

Yes, you can get infected by using the same needle more than once! ---- You can also contract any disease that your "friend" has by using the same needle. Have you heard of HIV/AIDS?