

How do you get rid of in-grown toenails?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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15y ago

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Well you should go see the podiatrist and they'll help you.

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Q: How do you get rid of in-grown toenails?
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Are ingrown toenails hereditary?


How do you toenails become ingrown?

Well by not eating enough vitamin or by people keep standing on your toes alot then you get ingrown toenails

How can you prevent ingrown toenails?

get your parents to cut your toenails for you, if you are bad at cutting them.

What is the scientific name for ingrown toenails?


Can you get a medical discharge on ingrown toenails?

Ingrown toenails are only a medical disqualifier if they're deemed to be severe enough to affect your regular duties on a persistent basis, and they can't do anything about it.

How can you prevent an ingrown toenail?

get your parents to cut your toenails for you, if you are bad at cutting them.

What can be done about an ingrown toenail?

The most common causes of ingrowing toenails are badly cut toenails and shoes which have been too tight.Also, if you have a history of ingrown toenails in your family then you are at an increased risk of getting an ingrown toenail yourself.

Is it common for 1o years olds to get ingrown toenails?

yes, when i was 10 i also had alot of ingrown toenails, it is perfectly normal, make sure u are careful when u try to cut some stuff out that is hurting ur child.

Can ingrown toenails affect the wear of pointe shoes?

YES!! When you have ingrown toe nails the shoe does not fit as well and when you go on your box your standing on your toe nails.

Ingrown toenails cannot be prevented by cutting the nail straight across True or False?

False Ingrown toenail can be prevented by cutting the nail straight across

Why do ingrown toenails hurt?

Ingrown toenails hurt because what is happening is that your toenail is penetrating the skin. when anything penetrates your skin it will hurt. The toenail will press on nerves in the toe. another reason that it hurts is that it is infected. The way to treat an infected ingrown toenail is to remove the toenail from the opening in the skin with nail trimmers then soak the toe in warm salt water. Hope this helps!!

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The best way to get rid of ingrown hairs is to contact your dermotologist. A dermotologist can provide the best treatment necessary that won't damage your skin.