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A good idea is to place a bunch of candles or a big mosquitoe machine catcher around your pool.

You should not have mosquitoes breeding in your swimming pool as they do not like moving water. They are most probably brreding in shrubs, grass or plants around your pool. They will breed anywhere standing water collects. The best mosquito repeller is cat nip oil. It is far more effective than DEET and does not have the possible health implications. Vists for more info and for a range of mosquito traps in Spain

You could also use animals that eat mosquitoes or special pool chemical stuff that you can buy, killing the eggs.

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Treat the water. They only survive when water stagnates.

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Q: How do you get rid of mosquitos in your pool?
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use soap and water and spray it.

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More than likely they are mosquitos. i have them 2 what are they i no for definit they are not mosquitos.

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The amount of chlorine normally used to shock a pool should kill and larvae and other living things in the pool.

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While it does not get rid of mosqitos per se, the mosquitos won't bite you (and really that is all I am concerned about). Get your clothes smokey (like from a camp fire) and wear them that way. Mosquitos don't like smoke and will not come near you if you smell like it.

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By fogging,the gas from the fog irritates the mosquitos and it also has a strong smell that helps to keep mosquitos away.

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Mosquito Magnets?

form_title= Mosquito Magnets form_header= Get rid of those pesky mosquitos with a mosquito magnets! Where will you be placing the traps?*= _ [50] Do you have a lot of mosquitos in your yard?*= () Yes () No Do you spend a lot of time outside?*= () Yes () No

Does a salt water pool or a chlorinated pool attract more mosquitoes?

stagnet or still water attracts mosquitos weather salt brackish or chlorine Not your pool. A salt water pool IS a chlorinated pool if the system is working properly.

What do frogs that you get out of your pool eat?

Invertebrates like small snails, crickets and grasshoppers, flies, beetles, millipeds, butterflies, mosquitos etc.