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Purchase What Odor? I used it for this it's non toxic so completely safe and completely eliminates odor for good Bathe in Tomato Juice.

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Q: How do you get rid of the smell once you been sprayed by a skunk?
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Should you take a tomato juice bath if you are sprayed by a skunk?

Tomato juice is a good remedy. There are also now products available at pet supply stores that will work.

Is marijuana that smells like skunk bad?

One particular strain of marijuana does have a smell that is very similar to the smell that the skunk emits when it feels threatened and sprays. I have only once for a short time seen this particular strain and that was in 1990-91 in California. Back then we just called it KGB or Killer Green Bud.

What does skunk spray smell like?

I don't mean to sound like a smart alex but they must or they wouldn't spray that awful stuff.Answer (actually,just a comment)If they do then it must be horribly to their noses mabie their just used to itAnswerThey are just used to it, they have lived with that smell ever since they were born. It's sort of like when you can't smell your own house, but visiters do.

Does the knowledge of the smell have an effect on what you smell?

I don't know that much scientifically about that, but i believe yes. I have found that to be true in my life and also I once read an article about experiments with skunk musk. In small amounts or with a bit of a different scent mixed in with the musk, the people tested thought that it smelled good(they did not know it had any thing to do with skunk musk). However, when told that they were smelling skunk, most of them reported it as smelling very bad, even though not all of the scents actually had skunk musk in them, and some of the scents were the same as the ones that had been judged as good-smelling before. me too #yourock

Clothes have been washed once and are now heavily staine with the smell of turpintine. How do you get rid of the smell?

Get oxyclean with baking soda

Why do skunks use stink as a defence?

Its actuelly a very good defense. Most predatory animals use their sense of smell as a primary means of tracking prey. So thus their sense of smell is very senstive, so the Skunk's powerful stench is very effective. Most of them have a much more powerful sense of smell than us, so as bad as Skunk smell is to us, to one of them its much worse, and most wild animals don't have the ability to remove it so they're stuck with it for the duration. So thus, once its been skunked and suffered, most predators will learn mess with a skunk and you end up stinking to high heavens and leave skunks alone. Dogs have trouble with learning that but most predators learn and avoid skunks. Also, smell is heavily connected to memory, so many animals remember the skunk's smelly defense well. So that's why they use their terrible stench as a defence, it works well with most predators, except Great Horned Owls, which have almost zero sense of smell, so it doesn't have much effect.

How much does it cost to de-scent a skunk?

Wow, that's a hard one.Okay what you have to do is don't spray febreeze on it!!it's hard trust me! (I know cause once were i used to live there was a skunk who used to spray my dog all the time guess what we did) Okay, to tell you the truth if your gona de-scent a skunk hes gona smell again the next time he sprays something or someone but if you want to do it for those couple of seconds this is how it goes get a pot of warm water you can dump him into (get this all ready fast) then an open dog shampoo that over spills, oh ya have gloves on at all times, before you get the skunk put the dog shampoo and mix it with a spoon your never gona use again, then uh oh its time get the skunk as fast as you can dump him in the pan of water and then throw him outside were there's breeze and well that's it!sorry but its gotta be =(

What smells like a skunk?

burnt rubber Interesting animals, skunks are. They're really quite mild mannered, and if you don't startle them or make them angry, they're happy to leave you alone. All they want from humans is the scraps of food that we carelessly leave laying around. They normally eat just about anything from frogs to bird eggs to whatever they can find in your garbage can. However, nature has given them a very effective means of self defense in the spray that they direct at an enemy. The spray is a chemical concoction manufactured by special glands in the skunks body. One of the ingredients is actually sulfuric acid, a very strong acid used for making car batteries and other industrial uses. To describe the smell of skunk spray is tough, as there's nothing in our daily lives that resembles it. It can, in very very small amounts, smell something like burned rubber. But, in larger quantities it is just indescribable. Once you smell it, you'll never forget it. It's very strong, and makes your eyes water and breathing difficult. It's very, very unpleasant to be sprayed by a skunk, which two of my dogs will swear to. Hopefully, you'll get a chance to find the answer for your question from a distance. And, remember, skunks are known to be carriers of rabies. If you're ever bitten by one, see a doctor immediately. Otherwise, they're really gentle critters who mind their own business. The only time I take action is if they decide to set up housekeeping under my porch. In that case, spreading mothballs around under the porch seems to chase them away. Mothballs smell to skunks like they smell to us.

How many times do you have to shot a skunk for it to die?

Twice In the head and once in the crotch :)

How should you remove a dead skunk from your yard?

Use a small trap just big enough for the skunk to get in. It MUST be small enough to prevent the skunk from lifting it's tail. The skunk can't spray if it can't lift it's tail. Once the skunk is trapped he may be safely relocated. To release the skunk simply place the trap on the ground and open the door. I know that sounds scary but the skunk will nonchalantly walk out and away.

Will a cat spray if they are the only pet?

Oh yes, most definitely. My cats had never been outdoors, and were raised from birth in my home, and they still sprayed once they came of age.

Could your dog have been skunked if he smells like anal sac fluid but his sacs are empty?

"Tis the season to be jolly!" If it's a male, then males can give off a scent. It's called "marking." Males can smell pretty bad if not bathed every couple of months. If your dog is allowed to run loose they can also run in small packs with other dogs and this too will give off an offensive odor. Anal sacs usually will cleanse themselves when the dog has a bowel movement, but some dogs can have this problem and either have to have a vet express these sacs or the owner can learn how to do it. I have a female Bichon Frize' that I have to express anal glands on about once a month. It could go away in time, but may not. Since my dog is in the house (22 lbs.) with us and on furniture she is bathed once a month in the summer (possibly more if at the doggie beach or out fishing with us) and every 2 months in the winter. Anal glands smell do not smell like a skunk, anal glands smell is really foul? smelling the skunk smell really stinks, but you won't mistake the anal gland smell once you get a whiff of it!! hope this helps