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I use that carpet stain remover i cant rememer its name cause im on holiday going home tomorrow sorry if it doesn't work it works when i use it

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Q: How do you get rid off water stains from air conditioners?
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How does air conditioners work to cool off your house inside?

it pulls all hot air out from the house

Should air conditioners and other appliances be turned off when on vacation?

Air conditioners and other appliances should be turned off when on vacation. Refrigerators and freezers must be left on. Also any gas powered stoves and ovens need to be kept on.

If left on too long, is it possible for portable air conditioners to freeze up?

there is no edvience that the air conditioners will freeze up with perlong use when it comes to reoccurring use. However if you never turn off the air conditoners you will worn down the parts in which you have to replace more quickly.

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hydrogen peroxide and cold water

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Nope, I have never heard of one that runs off propane itself..............

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soap and water or use dishwasher liquid detergent with water

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Bit of spit and a rub

Are thier any window model air condtioners that turn on and off like central air conditioners?

Yes, several larger models have an automatic timer that comes with them.

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You can clean salt stains off of Nubuck shoes using a solution of water and vinegar. Try and clean the stain as soon as you can for best results.

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Use Bleach and hot Soap Water. Leave it in there for a while and then use a sponge to wipe it off.

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How do you get well water stains off of a car?

wash with dawn detergent and dry before dry