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Q: How do you get spinach stains out of cloths?
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Does mud stain cloths?

Mud stains cloths; mud stains clothes and anything that isn't smooth microscopically like microfibre.

How do you get poop stains out of cloths?

They wash out in the same way as any other kind of dirt.

What stains do carbon tetrachloride remove?

The carbon tetra chloride removes only organic material from cloths as Grease, Wax, oils, tar and hydrocarbons.

Why doesn't grease come out of cloths with cold water?

Grease stains clothes it is very difficult to get out, if it will come out at all.

How does one clean plastic table cloths?

Plastic table cloths can be cleaned using mild soap and water on a sponge or a cloth. For heavier staining, a paste can be made out of baking soda and applied directly to the stains.

Why it is easy to wash cloths in hot water soap solution?

The hot water helps to dissolve any stains or scents that the clothes have. The soap cleans it.

What can you do with cocacola beside drinking it?

pouring it on your hair to make it look naturel or if you have stains on your cloths pour it on the stupid stains and then pour water. Another way is you know when your can battery gets dirty,put coke and leave it there for about a hour and a half and it will be clean.

What is the difference between Tide and store brands?

Tide is a special cemical that can clean the toughest stains. Store brands can only clean as far as a inch into your cloths.

How do you remove salt stains on bucket's?

Use the below ingredients to clean you Salt Stain Bucket.White VinegarDish soap (Dawn works well)Floor cleanerWarm waterBuckets (which is affected with Salt stains)Soft cloths (For Small Area)Mops (For Big Area)Rubber Gloves (use to cover your hands)This will help to remove Salt Stains from your Bucket.

How do you get spaghetti sauce out of laundry?

I know this sounds obvious, but have you tried a stain remover? I recently tried Shout Advanced, as it is advertised to take out set in stains. It works great: formula, spit up, Spaghetti O's, grass stains, and blood. I am sold. I have worked for hours trying to remove stains during my 25 years of life and I love this product, especially now that I have two children. However, if you are talking about delicate linens or table cloths, I would consult a professional cleaner. I know this sounds obvious, but have you tried a stain remover? I recently tried Shout Advanced, as it is advertised to take out set in stains. It works great: formula, spit up, Spaghetti O's, grass stains, and blood. I am sold. I have worked for hours trying to remove stains during my 25 years of life and I love this product, especially now that I have two children. However, if you are talking about delicate linens or table cloths, I would consult a professional cleaner.

Name something a couple might argue about planning a vacation?

The amount of cloths to take.The amount of cloths to take.The amount of cloths to take.The amount of cloths to take.The amount of cloths to take.The amount of cloths to take.

What is tagalog of spinach?

The Tagalog word for spinach is "espinaka" or "alugbati".