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Take the hen across first.

Go back alone.

Take the fox.

Take the hen back.

Get the food and leave the hen.

Go back alone.

Take the hen.

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Q: How do you get the animals across the river if the fox eats the hen but the hen eats the food?
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anything that comes across it.. to other fish/animals it is just another food source and or fuel to keep t going

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All animals need food to survive.

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By the way, if you have asked this question, you have spelled the animal wrongly, it is cheetah.Anyway, a cheetah is at the top of the food chain so eats quite large animals. What a cheetah eats depends on the environment around it and where it lives. Because they come from Africa and live there, but are spread across it.So what it eats depends on what type of animals live where it lives.

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They do not die.becauseit is their own food.

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easy.think about a sea animal and what it eats. then think about what THAT animal eats

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