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I dont know how to get the cat whiskers but the horn you can get that by going to the poptropica store and by the monster that has one.

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Q: How do you get the cat whiskers and ears on poptropica Also I saw someone with a unicorn horn. How do you get that?
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Related questions

How many whiskers do cats have?

Most cats have 24 whiskers on each side, placed in five very straight rows of varying length. Not all the whiskers may be the same length or in the same growing phase, however! They also have eyebrow whiskers, whiskers at the corners of their jaws and whiskers on their elbows.

What are unicorns horns made of?

the unicorn's horn possesses all the magic that unicorn has; also, without the unicorn's horn, the unicorn would not be able to survive

Where was credit invented?

unicorn land. it was also discovered by brodie the unicorn in 1945

What is a fabled animal with one horn?

a unicorn, and probably a pegasus also

What are cat whiskers adapted for?

Cats whiskers are used to let the cat know if they will fit through a area. If a cats whiskers are cut it throws off their sense of balance also.

Why are there whiskers?

Cat's whiskers are highly sensitive "organs". The roots of these whiskers go much deeper than regular hairs, and at the base have very sensitive nerves. The cat uses the whiskers to sense movement and also to feel out it's surroundings.

What is the proper mean of whiskers?

The meaning of whiskers is so the cat can feel what is around him or her. Likewise for dogs; they also rely on whiskers to feel around in areas they may not see. Same for any other animal with whiskers, including catfish. Hope this was helpful!

Do chinchillas have whiskers?

No, because it is connected to the cats nerves and it is helps them move backward and forward. If you cut a cats whiskers it will cause them to have have problems with their equilibrium. it will also make them feel exposed and un-safe.they will also doe if there a kitten

How do you customize yourself like the bunny man in poptropica?

If you wanto look like a bunny u need whiskers and a werewolfboy costume you will also need rabbit ears in 24 carrot island.okay first put up the werewolf costume and click the fur part. keep whiskers on!.then u need buck teeth. Then place the iron ears on your head.There you go your a bunny!

What was the knights name of the hadoques three masted ship?

The Unicorn

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Which 1980's cartoon featured a unicorn?

The 1982 animated movie The Last Unicorn featured a unicorn. Several unicorns also appeared in the My Little Pony cartoon series.