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Skullduggery island is a recently added island so if you don't like to cheat I suggest trying it yourself first.

When you get too Dragon Cove Island don't climb the stairs but swim to the statue and jump on it. It's tail will come up with a Mallet on it swim to the tail jump on the tail, to get the Mallet. Then then jump from the tail the platform the fisherman is on (it is the only platform you can get to in one jump) and push the fisherman past the giant Bell Gong to the first barrel. Then go to your inventory (backpack icon at the top of the screen) and click on the mallet card and then click the use button (your character will move to the giant Bell Gong and use the mallet to strike the Bell) a group of fish will jump from the water and if you positioned the fisher man right he will catch a fish and will give you the map piece.

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Q: How do you get the map inside the fish in skulldergy?
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Huh. I have never heard of a fish that eats its prey from the inside outwards, I have however heard of the Star Fish it eats with it's stomach inside-out. Maybe that is what you are describing?

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