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Very carefully. When they fall from the tree, they are very green and it is difficult to separate the seeds from the spiked "Hand Grenade" cone. Let them age for couple of weeks in a dry spot. You will be left with brownish to black cone which separates more easily. The seed is in a fibrous covering. I use small needle nose pliers, grip on each side and pull. You decide if it is worth the effort. The Chilean folks of days ago must have had a lot of time on there hands.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Cones such as those of the Monkey Puzzle (Auracaria) and Pinus species can be opened by placing the cone close to a fire to open them and extract the seed

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Q: How do you get the seeds out of a monkey puzzle tree seed pod?
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What is true seed?

Seed cones are seeds from which a tree or bush will grow.

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Seed cones are seeds from which a tree or bush will grow.