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just make his head and body the right size or he won't give u the rare furniture

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Q: How do you get the snowmen happy on Animal Crossing?
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On Animal Crossing how do you make snow-girls?

there is no way to make snow girls in animal crossing! however, you can make snowmen

Who are snowmen in Animal Crossing?

Snowmen are a classic snow day thing to build. Often times they don't come out perfect--maybe their hat is lopsided, some of the coals forming their mouth fell off, or maybe their ball sizes just aren't proportional. Or maybe they hate carrots. Whatever it is, snowmen often don't come out right. On Animal Crossing, if a snowman comes out proportional, he is happy and then he'll send you a piece of Snowman furniture in the mail. If he is very unproportional this results in problems and he is unhappy, thus not rewarding you with a cool (literally!) piece of furniture.

How do you make a snow lady on Animal Crossing?

there is no such thing as a snowlady on animal crossing. the closest you will get is a snowman. to build one you have to find 2 little snowballs in winter and put one on top of the other (just push it on)

Will Animal Crossing new horizon be on 3ds?

No, it's only available on the Switch

What is the next Animal Crossing?

Animal Crossing 3DS

Will there be a Animal Crossing 5?

If there is no animal crossing 1,2,3,4....don't ya think it'd be obvious. There's animal crossing city folk for wii, animal crossing wild world for ds, animal crossing new leaf for the 3ds, but there is not animal crossing 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 OR 5

Can you get a feather in animal crossing?

Yes you can get feathers on animal crossing!

How do you get a church on animal crossing?

You cannot get a church on Animal Crossing.

Multiplayer on animal crossing?

There is no multiplayer mode on Animal Crossing.

Is Animal Crossing City Folk like the original one?

No. Animal Crossing was the name of the original Animal Crossing game.

Is there animal crossing for ps3?

No. The Animal Crossing series is exclusive to Nintendo ONLY.

When will Animal Crossing City Folk be out for DS?

It won't. Animal Crossing: City Folk is only for the Wii. There is, however, Animal Crossing: Wild World, which is an Animal Crossing game for the DS.